How it works

The Discourse connector indexes documents from your Discourse Topics.

Setting up


  1. Log into your Discourse account
    This Discourse user must have admin priveleges
  2. Click the Admin menu from the home page.
  3. Open the Advanced sub-menu and select API keys.
  1. Click New API Key, name it “Danswer”. Select “All Users” for User Level and “Read-only” for Scope.

  1. Click Save. Copy the key and put it into Danswer.

  1. for the API Key Username, enter the username of the Discourse account which has access to the information you’d like to index.


  1. Input a name for a connector (if you plan on creating multiple Discourse connectors, this will be used by you to tell between them)
  2. Provide your Discourse’s base url.

  1. Enter the Topics you wish to index. If left blank, all topics available will be indexed.
  2. Click connector to begin indexing the indicated topics.