How it works

The Slack connector indexes all public channels for a given workspace.

  • Upcoming: Support for private channels by tagging/adding the Danswer Slack Bot to private channels.

Setting up


  1. Note: You must be an admin of the Slack workspace to set up the connector
  2. Navigate and sign in to
  3. Create a new Slack app:
    • Click the Create New App button in the top right.
    • Select From an app manifest option.
    • Select the relevant workspace from the dropdown and click Next.

  1. Copy the following manifest into the text box
  name: DanswerConnector
  description: ReadOnly Connector for indexing Danswer
    display_name: DanswerConnector
    always_online: false
      - channels:history
      - channels:read
      - groups:history
      - groups:read
      - channels:join
      - im:history
      - users:read
  org_deploy_enabled: false
  socket_mode_enabled: false
  token_rotation_enabled: false
  1. Click the Create button.
  2. In the app page, navigate to the OAuth & Permissions tab under the Features header.
  3. Copy the Bot User OAuth Token, this will be used to access Slack.


  1. Navigate to the Connector Dashboard and select the Slack Connector.
  2. Place the Bot User OAuth Token under Step 1 Provide Credentials

  1. Set the Workspace ID (see below) and click Connect.

Note: The first indexing pulls all of the public channels and takes longer than future updates.