This section walks through setting up the Google Drive connector using a OAuth-enabled Google App. Anyone can do this (even without a paid Google Workspace)!

If you’re an organization with a Google Workspace, and you’d rather use a Service Account to access Google Drive, checkout the section here.


  1. Create a Google Cloud Project

  2. Enable the Google Drive API

    • On the left panel, open APIs & services
    • Go to Enabled APIs and services
    • On the top click +ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES
    • Search for Google Drive API and click ENABLE
    • Alternatively visit this link, select your project and enable the Google Drive API

  1. Set up the OAuth consent screen

    • Under APIs & services, select the OAuth consent screen tab
    • If you don’t have a Google Organization select External for User Type
    • Call the app Danswer (or whatever you want)
    • For the required emails, use any email of your choice or if you wish for the Danswer team to help handle issues.
  2. Set up Scopes

    • Add the scope .../auth/drive.readonly for Google Drive API
  3. Set up Test users

    • This is only applicable for users without a Google Organization.
      • Typically for a company, Danswer would be set up as an internal app so this step would not apply.
    • Add at least one test user email. Only the email accounts added here will be allowed to run the OAuth flow to index new documents.
    • Click SAVE AND CONTINUE, review the changes and click BACK TO DASHBOARD
  4. Create Credentials

    • Go to the Credentials tab and select + CREATE CREDENTIALS -> OAuth client ID

    • Choose Web application and give it some name like DanswerConnector

    • Add a Authorized JavaScript origins for http://localhost:3000 (or https://<INTERNAL_DEPLOYMENT_URL> if you have setup Danswer for production use)

    • Add a Authorized redirect URIs for http://localhost:3000/admin/connectors/google-drive/auth/callback (or https://<INTERNAL_DEPLOYMENT_URL>/admin/connectors/google-drive/auth/callback if you have setup Danswer for production use)

    • Click create and on the right hand side next to Client secret, there is an option to download the credentials as a JSON. Download the JSON for use in the next step.


  1. Navigate to the Admin Dashboard and select the Google Drive Connector.
  2. Select the credentials JSON from step 6 above as shown in image below, then click the Upload button to save your credentials into Danswer.
  3. Click on Authenticate with Google Drive
    • Completing the OAuth flow will allow Danswer to index the docs that the user has read access to.
  4. Click the Add button! All Google Drive documents accessible by the user who completed step (3) will now be pulled into Danswer every 10 minutes.